Therefore, technically ALL of Adam’s progeny was always outside the garden – only Adam and Eve had ever been in the garden of Eden. Adam and Eve were kicked out of the garden into greater Eden. Yatsar – refers to the molding and shaping of an object. Likewise, the mtDNA can be traced back to a single ancestral sequence, which can be interpreted as either Eve or the last common ancestor of the wives of Noah’s sons. In the first statement you propose evolution which, like the last statement uses natural reproduction. we are say elot of things but never knew the right truth.
Gen. 4:16, 17: “Cain went away from the face of Jehovah and took up residence in the land of Fugitiveness [or, Nod] to the east of Eden. [3][4] The reason behind the commotion was that Cain viewed Luluwa as being aesthetically more attractive than Awan., Carving 30,000 Yrs I will also add that on day six, God created animals which are domesticated, wild animals and creeping animals.
The eigth day or beginning of the new week is when God creates the New Heavens and the New Earth. Evolution is the reason you try to reinterpret the scriptures. For example “breath of life” is literally “breath life.” OF is implied. By the way, this means Eve didn’t come from a womb either. In an effort to explain where Cain and Abel acquired wives, some traditional sources stated that each child of Adam and Eve was born with a twin who became their mate. Unfortunately human species also became one among the fallen. @Steve Has anyone considered that the Story, a source of Legend saying that the land between Lake. This happens at the beginning of the seventh day. Stop majoring on the minor.
There could have been several children before or even after Cain and after Able even.
Well … Always a hot bed of controversy on this site!
Stay away from pastoring. The story said nothing of Cain repenting for the murder of his brother, only that he felt his punishment was unjust. ra’ah, Cain marries Luluwa his own sister . Him and them are both plural, him is just a formal singular. Man didn’t write the bible, God did, cain married one of his sisters, dont yall understand anything!
Greetings Ken. P. S. As for the death of Cain, The Book of Jubilees, chapter 4, verses 29-31 tells us of Adam’s and Cain’s death, “And at the close of the nineteenth jubilee, in the seventh week in the sixth year [930 A.M.] thereof, Adam died, and all his sons buried him in the land of his creation, and he was the first to be buried in the earth. I’m only using Jewish sources. From the bibles explanation, Cain knew his wife and had a son means that Cain slept with his wife and had a son. The story was about Cain and Abel, and it is only said they were children of Adam and Eve.
Abraham married his HALF SISTER Sarah ( Genesis 20:12) and GOD agreed it. Should we make an issue of this or not? All that holds good. I do understand that there is a Mitochondrial Eve and a Y-DNA Adam lurking back there in the distance. The Bible gives limited details on the name and character of Cain’s wife. Not according to the law in Eden, but according the law God made for the heavens. When Adam and Eve finally come into being, the whole world already is populated with human beings (Gen. 1.28). In Genesis 1:24, God orders the earth (in Hebrew Aretz) to produce “living creatures of all kind” and with a careful reading we can understand that it includes also human being. The gap theory is unnecessary, because the creation “days” are already long periods, so it don’t need another one in Gen. 1.2. I do not find on Amazon. The breath of life, in the nostrils, is found in both man and animals (Genesis 2:7 and 7:22). The cosmology of the bible is babylonian and the bible does not endorse it but merely reflects it as the backdrop of the stories it tells. He built brand new creatures (being both physical and spiritual) of the dust from the earth and a rib, and shaped them into the human form. They intermarry and even I have some HN in me. That’s another meaningful evidence for the animalistic origin of the first humans. Mary Joan Winn Leith explores the identity of the wife of Cain. This is not in line with the scriptural thought of “keeping hold to the healthful pattern of words”. Where do you find a Lake in the text? All descendants not of Adam’s line would not have been eligible for forgiveness, but they would have still been subject to the condemnation of creation.
How can u say there is no human beings apart from Adams family? Almost every day some People experienced the events of this story.
Thats right. I’m a follower of Christ and love God. That she describes Moses, who certainly carried the scrolls of Israelite history with him and redacted the book of Genesis from it as “storyteller” shows that she is basically grasping at straws. Those ‘near perfect’ sons and daughters could have married with no problem, but, it was certainly different when the Law was handed down to Moses. (ref: Noahs period). Treasures. For the non-believers, JESUS is the truth, if u do not believe that, u have work to do. However, my grandparents, from well respected English families, were married in 1917 in England and they were first cousins. That’s why the traditional exegesis of Adam’s arising is ridiculous. The genealogies in Genesis 4 and 5 were set in opposition to each other in fulfilment of Genesis 3:15 (godly and ungodly seeds).
Mrs Cain was a pre-historic woman…Oh evolution is not incorrect, but, Adam and Eve were special creations, with a living soul…pre-historic man, not at all. God had to destroy them all!!
Genesis 5:4 tells us that Adam and Eve “begat sons and daughters.” Josephus, the Jewish historian, states that “The number of Adam’s children, as says the old tradition, was thirty-three sons and twenty-three daughters.” The point, of course, is that Adam and Eve did have many children. It seems to me that it is strange the woman and man have the same number of ribs so GOD must have copied the rib to do that, however, my Bible says a curve was taken from Adam to make Eve..
If every account were to be written, the Bible could be so big the world couldn’t contain it. With Adam and Eve out of the garden, all activities were outside the garden. For, by his death on the cross, Jesus not only restored this fallen state outside the Garden of Eden but elevated this state of love to that which God had originally intended for the first couple (and for every couple) for all eternity within Paradise. The interpretation is that after Cain killed Abel, Cain took Abel’s widow as his wife which is recorded possibly in Gen 4:17. Urmia & the alleged plain of Edin, right before a land seeming to sound like the Angel guarding the opening from Edin on the East could have been The Garden. By the time they gave birth to Cain and Abel (Gen 4:1-2), Seth (whose lineage we follow through Noah and beyond) and other sons and daughters (Gen 5) they had already disobeyed God and been cast out of the garden of Eden. Eve became the mother of all living souls. He was concerned with Adam and Eve and their progeny—not those outside of this group. and he said unto him: – It did not say they [Cain & Abel] emerged from the womb and immediately went out and offered their sacrifices. In the book of Jubilees, chapter4, verse 1 & 9, (it tells us that Cain married his sister, Âwân bint Adam); verse 1 says “And in the third week in the second jubilee [64-70 A.M.] she gave birth to Cain, and in the fourth [71-77 A.M.] she gave birth to Abel, and in the fifth [78-84 A.M.] she gave birth to her daughter Âwân. The modern misconception that educated Europeans at the time of Columbus believed in a flat Earth, and that his voyages refuted that belief, has been referred to as the Myth of the Flat Earth.
This is also called the vital soul, since the Hebrew word for vitality is “hiyyut” is akin to the word for beasts, “hayyot”. so more argument we take it as it stated in the Bible.
Sign up to receive our email newsletter and never miss an update. Adam and his offspring was a new creation….
And Lamech murdering Cain?
It is evident in the book of Genesis that Adam and Eve is not the father or the mother of all humanity.There is no where made mentioning of Adam and Eve having any daughters in the generations of Adam’s,In Genesis 5:1-4, Seth is the one being made mentioning of as having sons and daughters in Verse 4, Not Adam. the Bible doesn’t give us the information of it because it’s God minded not to reveal the secret. I believe that we are very arrogant to say other hominids or dinosaurs did not exist. It’s a pity you didn’t read Genesis 1 v 26. Stone, Michael. Genesis 4:14 presupposes that someone, knowing what had happened, would be looking for Cain, “whoever finds me.” Why would anyone outside the land of Eden (his family) know about him killing his brother? One guy from the 1500s does not count.
Thank you Lord for Noah I strongly believe Cain already had a wife with him before getting into Nod. You don’t know the scriptures nor do you know the power of God. Mervyn. Why do we want to create or write our own bible?The bible clearly states his wife came from the land of Nod. It says nothing about when or where they met. How could we imagine that animals could punish Cain?
1.5, and it becomes obvious, what I try to explain. Chapter 4: 1 And in the third week in the second jubilee she gave birth to Cain, and in the fourth she gave birth to Abel, and in the fifth she gave birth to her daughter Awan. Adam may have been the first to know God. In the Sumerian poem “Lugalbanda and the Mountain cave,” the hero, Lugalbanda, is acompanying his seven brothers on a military comapain against “Aratta ,the mountain of the holy divine powers.” While his brothers are noblemen who command troops, Lugalbanda is a virtual nobody who is introduced only as “their eighth one.” But like David in 1 Samuel 17, he would prevail over his brothers and become king of Unug (Uruk). There were also the creation of God,But,fallen condition.To be specific humanoid. Im very curious about it.thank you. This is a sign that they were other people living on earth. Who Was Moses?
God created (bara), made (asa, banah) and formed (yatsar) mankind (Adam and Eve). To the liar it talks in lies, to the truthful it speaks truth. Lastly, there was no global flood. As the Holy Spirit is the “story teller” (1 Tim 3:16; 2 Pet 1:21) to suggest that He did other than tell the truth is a violation of the direct Word of God (John 16:13). How could Cain have married an aunt when there were no women of Eve’s generation: neither Adam or Eve had a sister. iT can make one man happy, it can make another man sing, but it is the closed tablet-basket of the gods.” A waking dream, like the kind mentioned in “The Matrix.” Also, why are Christians the only people that call their god GOD… That’s like saying “Praise Doctor, for he has found a cure.” or “All Hale Teacher, for exposing us to such plentiful knowledge.” Every other religion calls their god by their NAME. Consider the FACT that today’s genetic diversity DID NOT begin with only Two individuals. And in Acts 17:26, Paul states that the God who made the world “hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth.”. He said that Genesis 5:4 referred to Seth’s daughters. Perhaps many of Cain’s siblings had moved to Lod when Cain moved there. It didn’t happen. Wake up people… God would want us to live in perfect harmony, eating the fruits and vegetables that grow from the earth, keeping our children protected and raising them to make the world a better place.
Making themselves look interesting, maybe? Fully-functioning beings, now blessed with intellect and wisdom by one, connected via marriage to emotion and love, means we certainly do have the “first family.” Thank you for considering my point of view. Adam and Eve weren’t the only ‘people’ existing in the Genesis story but they were the first parents of mankind, in my own understanding of the OT, there are others who weren’t mentioned in the narrative of the Genesis.
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