lockdown vs megatron

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May 23, 2018

As for who would win it would probably be the fallen since he is op. Galvatron has more abilities, but Optimus is more skilled I think. Yes Megatron got a bit weaker, but the fact that Prime took on him, Starscream and Grindor at once and only lost when his back was turned was a huge testament to his skill. Fallen actually stomps. © 2020 GAMESPOT, A RED VENTURES COMPANY. Lockdown because FACEGUN,megatrons argument is invalid. Megatron in the first movie seemed a bit stronger than Prime while in 2 he was getting his but kicked. He seems more like Optimus now.

Megatron wurde später von The Fallen ausgebildet. I consider his peak being the first movie and he was wrecking Optimus. In den Kriegen um den Allspark verletzte er Bumblebee, sodass dessen Stimmprozessoren zerstört wurden. Though for the record the gun is actually from his chest but mounted on his, @nfactor1995: that is true, but if I remember correctly every time they fought he either already attacked from afar before Optimus was aware of him or with Optimus just coming out of another fight, megatron took a shot in the face and survived as well as fought optimus pretty well. Yeah true, I also thought that starscream scene was funny.

While I know you'll never be convinced Megatron has gotten more powerful since TF1. Who was the most feared and deadly opponent and gave Optimus the most trouble, and secondly who would win in a four way fight? In TF4, he upgraded to a new knight body. i dont think optimus improved much. The only time Megatron is arguably the same strength as he was in 1 is TF4 as Glavatron and TF5, though he still seems stronger in TF1. I think he was just barely above Starscream. Sentinel prime has this based off of the movies. [9] Um dem Autobot Ironhide seine Waffen abzunehmen, lockten die Decepticons Barricade und Lockdown ihn in einen Hinterhalt. DotM Megatron was falling apart. Sentinel is the only one who can defeat The Fallen, supposedly. I think that should bake him solidly above Dark of the Moon Megatron who was getting pushed around by Sentinal and killed by one armed Optimus. Die Decepticons sind Cybertronier, die sich gegen das Recht der Menschen zu leben entschieden und deshalb gegen die Meinung der Autobots handeln.

@killerwasp: Wasn't OP in fusion form before he fought TF, @stormdriven Lockdown beat Optimus in a H2H fight.

Jedoch schaffte es Sideswipe sich aus dem Eis zu befreien. Round 1: Galvatron was about equal to Optimus, who was himself probably stronger than Transformers Megatron by AOE. It wouldn't do the story any favor if Optimus was losing outright to every major villian. I was surprised a Lamborghini could take on a truck.

The problem regarding their fight was that Prime's weakness was his compassion towards the humans, so he was severely held back to prevent harming humans, and he was fighting in a city full of them. Danach verließen Barricade und Frenzy den Ort des Geschehens und Barricade sagte zu Frenzy, dass er froh sei, da sie ihre Mission erfüllt hatten und Sideswipe eingefroren war.

Doch Ratchet machte Mindwipe durch einem Schuss aus seinem EMP-Blaster gefechtsunfähig und geling es ihm, mit einem weiteren Schuss aus seinem EMP-Blaster das Energon zu vernichten. @goatzilla: true I guess my argument is invalid. And Optiums didn't really upgrade in TF4, he just scanned a new truck and that's how his new body looks. And even then he still through bumblebee aside like he was nothing. Megatron takes this. Lockdown is the most feared opponent though. Er verriet seine Kumpanen und wurde ein Ur-Decepticon. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. @goatzilla: Well if we assume that Lockdown can't use the facegun or that Megatron is prepared for it then who wins? Sentinel is the only one who beat optimus 1v1 and he woe by cutting of one of optimus's arms, not fighting optimus without an arm.

TF3 MegatronTF5 Megatron<=>Optimus<=TF1 Megatron. The Fallen gave Jetfire Optimus Prime who had huge upgrades trouble and landed good hits. @zensum: It isn't really explained how he became Megatron again but if you look closely he has the red line on his just like nemesis Prime so it may have something to do with Quintessa. @alextheboss: That sucks. The Fallen > Sentinel Prime > Megatron > Lockdown.

@zensum: Last Knight Megatron should be around the level of Galvatron and he was able to push back Optimus a bit when fighting. @allstarsuperman: Optimus was amped and he stomped the fallen and Megatron at the same time, that doesn't help your argument. Nach jahrelangen Kämpfen außerhalb der Erde wurde auch diese von den Decepticons angegriffen, da sich auf dieser der Allspark befand. While I know you'll never be convinced Megatron has gotten more powerful since TF1, the idea of Optimus being stronger in every sequel is very plausible. He just doesn't have the feats in the other movies. Lockdown faced XL, a robot made by Zurg. But yeah DOTM is kinda fussy to me and Optimus seems to get more powerful every movie while megatron no so much . Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Während der Decepticon Soundwave Bumblebee, welcher sich in einer NEST-Wache befand, angriff und gegen diesen kämpfte, wurde der Decepticon Bludgeon, welcher in dem von der NEST-Wache nahegelegen Dschungel war, von dem Autobot Ironhide, welcher im Auto-Modus war, umgefahren. I think that should bake him solidly above Dark of the Moon Megatron who was getting pushed around by Sentinal and killed by one armed Optimus. im going with megatron. But Lockdown had Optimus running in their 1st fight, one shot him in the 2nd and stabbed him with his own sword in the 3rd. R5) Megatron vs Lockdown. And in TF5 he beat Megatron because he attacked him from behind. Im Gebäude startete Frenzy den Download der NEST-Verteidigungs-Deaktivierung Codes. Optimus was trying to protect humans while fighting Galvatron and Optimus was on top at the end of the fight before Lockdown shot him from behind. Sentinel had a clear advantage over Optimus though, to the point where Optimus couldn't really do anything and ended up losing his arm. IMO Last Knight megatron is about as strong or slightly stronger than Dark side of the moon megatron who I think lockdown could beat easily. Sure his movie sucked but think about it. Eh, it was relatively even until Optimus went and saved Cade. [4] Als der Decepticon Mindwipe, welcher in einer Höhle war, den Autobot Ironhide, welcher nach dem Kampf mit Bludgeon in eine im Dschungel gelegen Höhle gegangen war, kontrollierte, kam auch der Anführer der Autobots Optimus Prime in die Höhle.

Last time I saw him Optimus fodderized him in Dark of the moon and Revenge of the Fallen. [8] Da die beiden Decepticons Mindwipe und Starscream Energon haben wollten, griffen sie gemeinsam die beiden Autobots Ratchet und Sideswipe, welche Energon transportierten, an. Doch Barricade konnte den Kampf für sich entscheiden, da er Sideswipe einfror. IMO Last Knight megatron is about as strong or slightly stronger than Dark side of the moon megatron who I think lockdown could beat easily. Lockdown we've seen deadlocks with AOE Optimus, who I think isn't too different from the Last Knight. Round 3: If Lockdown is allowed a sniper shot, he one shots. At the end of the 2nd movie he got heavily damaged by Prime and for the third movie he was wounded and weak as stated by Starscream. In contrast, Megatron was completely bloodlusted and was out to kill Prime. @zensum: Last Knight Megatron should be around the level of Galvatron and he was able to push back Optimus a bit when fighting.

Bump. In first movie he was very fast(space jet) and knocked optimus like 200 feats back and KOed optimus for like 10 secs with only one hit. Lockdown vs Fallen Megatron im unsure of who would win. You have to remember that ROTF Optimus > M1 Optimus, he spent how many years hunting decepticons on a regular basis as opposed to walkin' around in space waiting for Bumblebee to call? In der Schlacht von Mission City konnten die Autobots den Würfel zwar zerstören, allerdings existierten noch zwei Splitter des Würfels. Megatron sagte zu Optimus Prime, dass er sich dafür eines Tages an ihm rächen würde, dann beugte er sich auch.

In den zwei Jahren danach wurden die Decepticons von den neu gegründeten NEST-Truppen bekämpft, während unter der Anleitung von The Fallen und Starscream eine neue Armee erschaffen wurde. Transformers Wiki ist eine Fandom-TV-Community. Also Lockdown was whooping Optimus's ass(stabbing him with his own sword and what not) before bumblebee and Cade jumped in. Optimus is thousands of years old, I don't see him making much progress at this point without getting new equipment. Lockdown. Because Megatron get weaker, at least from 2 to 3. i think megatron simply got weaker between films, due to dying and being revived again and again.

Just wondering if we have to take Megatron beating up Optimus in the 1st movie with a grain of salt as the Optimus in the 4th movie was superior in ability than the Optimus in the 1st.

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